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About me


Hi there, how nice of you to visit this page for some extra information about me. I am a 21-year-old Industrial Design student, but for more on that please visit my Vision and Identity. I really like working with people and love old craftmanship.

In my spare time, I like building objects and restoring antique mopeds. If all goes alright, upcoming summer me and my best friend will drive to Paris on our classic mopeds that are 20-30 years old. Yes I know, let’s hope they do not break down 🙂

I live together with my lovely girlfriend who is also 21 years of age, and studies ICT at Fontys. In our spare time, we like to work in the garden together or pick up a new box from Toogoodtogo. Well, I hope to have given a basic impression of my personality outside of design. If you want to know more about me personally, me as a designer, or have any other questions, feel free to contact me using the options below.

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For a short question, send me a message via Linkedin